do not dare to fall in love

 do not dare to fall in love

In the ocean of love,

feels like a morning with foggy sunshine,

boat of my heart roaming along whirls,

no worries, no fear


Just the ripple of wave in front of my eye,

I surf closer and closer,

a pretty hand grab my arm,

and drag me down into floor

I woke up with her,

all the feelings get pumped,

her love make up my soul,

along with lust and hope


Many sun sets and moon rises,

drug of her kiss poison my heart,

now hell seems easy better than land,

because I am not alone who only dragged


There is something that fail in love,

I’ve left this all to save me,

swim up to the light,

she was a witch and I am her lover

- Shubham Avhad


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